Part extraction is relatively simple, but a very important step for me. In addition to making sure that page turns work, it enables me to see the music from the perspective of each individual musician. I can more easily see potential performance problems that I might overlook in the score. I usually work from the bottom of the score to the top because occasionally a dynamic from the part above is attached accidentally to the staff below and I can catch this error before working on the parts above it. Below is list of changes I have made to illustrate how important this step is:
Percussion 2 - I realized that I did not list the guiro in the Percussion 2 instruments in the score part name.
Percussion 1 - I did not leave enough time for the player to change from snare sticks to mallets for the Wood Block or Temple Blocks at measure 16. I eliminated the snare part at measure 15 to solve this problem.
Timpani - I was able to check that all the pitch changes and notes are correct.
Tuba, Euph., Troms., Alto Sax 1, Piccolo - When Sibelius enters cues, it also shows the full measure rests in the part. I eliminated the full measure rests to make the cues easier to read as the may be played instead of just helping the musician count rests.
Euphonium - In measure 96, I brought some of the notes up an octave to set up the next measure. Otherwise there may have been a large leap to the high notes.
Horns - There were close intervals up high for the horns at the end of measure 179. I revoiced the chord to provide more space between the notes. Horns have enough of a challenge being accurate in the high register without worrying about whether dissonance is correct.
Alto Saxophone, Alto Clarinet and Bass Clarinet - These parts needed to have the page turn after page 2 instead of after pages 1 & 3. If taped or copied back to back, pages 1 and 2 would be adjacent to each other and pages 3 and 4 adjacent to each other. The entire 11X 17 page would be turned after page 2. This is necessary because there were not enough rests earlier in the piece for these instruments to make the page turn after page 1.
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