Hi everyone,
I have doing my blog for over four years and I have very little idea whether what I am doing is worthwhile to my readers. I have received very few comments during that time period. It takes a great deal of time to write about my composing process and to create the necessary files to illustrate what I am writing. Therefore, I am going to post less often and my posts will be about general composition subjects, unless I hear otherwise from my readers. I will go into details about my composition process only when those I am composing for request it.
At present, I am composing a composition for piano called Time Travel Phantasie. It is based on A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. I am also working on getting an opera for middle school performers that I wrote in 1979 into Sibelius notation. I have also revised my website to make it mobile friendly and to have automatic downloads of my pdf files.
As you can see, I have been very busy and will continue to be so.
I hope to hear from you regarding my future plans for this blog.
Dr. B