I have not posted lately about my composition activities because I am in the middle of writing my free online Music Practice Guide. Musicians spend many hours in the practice room perfecting
their craft, yet how many are actually taught how to practice effectively? This
free guide is designed for all musicians and teachers as a
compendium of ideas that I have gleaned from my teachers, by attending
workshops and master classes, by talking to colleagues, and finally, through
sheer necessity of needing to help a student or myself solve a problem.
This guide is divided into four main sections; preparations,
focusing practice, reinforcing learning, and making practice enjoyable. The
appendix contains sample practice sessions that incorporate the ideas of the
main sections and are grouped according to the development level of the
musician. Most of the ideas in this guide can be applied to or easily adapted
for any instrument or voice.
It is my idea to invite others to offer suggestions that can
be included in this guide in order for it to be constantly evolving. At this
point about a third of the pages are written. You can see what is completed by visiting my website at http://cooppress.net and clicking on “books”
then “Music Practice Guide”. I hope this will turn out to be a valuable
resource that will enable both the musician and teacher to spend their time
more effectively, see more rapid improvement, and find more enjoyment in making
Dr. B