This is the second movement of a concerto
for two tubas and piano that is commissioned by Thomas Lukowicz of
Wright State University. Tom is planning a CD of Bach duets and wanted a
modern composition that would fit with the music of Bach. Since Bach
composed 6 Brandenburg Concerti, I thought that Brandon should compose 6
Bachburg Concerti. This is number 5 in the series. It is influenced by
the music of Bach mainly in its reliance on counterpoint.
Since writing the first movement, I had heard from Tom with some suggestions. Both suggestions had to do with the tubas sounding muddy. In measures 36-38, I brought the first tuba up an octave to gain the needed clarity. In measure 46, I changed the 2nd tuba note to a G from and Eb. This avoided the first inversion of the triad that tends to be muddy because of the abundance of overtones in the tuba tone color. There is enough of the Eb in the piano accompaniment so that no harmony is lost. Thank you Tom for those suggestions.
The second movement is at a Lento tempo. Lyricism and lush harmonies were my goal in this movement and counterpoint, while still presented, is secondary. The form is quite simple ABAB Coda. It begins with the two tubas alone for eight measures. Then this idea is repeated with piano accompaniment. The piano introduces the material for the B section that consists of descending thirds and dotted rhythms. The tubas enter for the second part of this section. Once again the ideas repeat but this time with the piano up an octave for timbral variety.
The A section only comes back once in the repeat. It is varied by a slower tempo and the tubas are alone for only 4 measures before the accompaniment enters. The B sections returns in a similar manner to when it was first heard. A brief coda that elongates the last motive leads to the two tubas finishing the movement alone.
export my Sibelius Music Notation file as a movie (new to version 7.5).
I also use Noteperformer software for the sounds. These are sample
sounds, but the software also includes an algorithm that
reads ahead in the music and phrases the music according to context,
therefore making the realization closer to live performance. I upload
these videos to youtube and embed the video for each
movement. I hope that this technology allows the reader to have an
easier experience and a more realistic performance. To see
and hear what I have discussed, go to
As always, your comments are appreciated.
Dr. B
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