Welcome to my blog

I have created this site in order to provide performers, listeners and composers with a description of a composer's experiences with the creative process. The posts will provide discussions of the inspirations, challenges, and successes of a composer from the inception of the piece to the culmination in performance. I will provide a link to where you can see and hear the works in progress. Comments and questions are always welcomed. They will not posted unless you grant me permission.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Moving to Arizona

During April, I will be moving to Arizona. We have sold our house in Pennsylvania and will be camping until we find our new home. As a result, my composing activities have been put on hold. I hope to be able to do some composing while camping, but it all depends on how quickly we find a house. I'll be reading any comments that are posted during this time and will resume posting as I begin working on new projects.If you haven't had the opportunity to read my earlier posts, I suggest that you do so. There are a lot of ideas regarding composing and interpreting music that could be helpful for developing composers and to those just interested in learning more about music.

Dr. B

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